Tuesday, January 21, 2014

About The Song: Tembang Katresna

Tembang Katresna in Sundanese language means Love Song.
This song tells us about the cycle of life which love gave a big role in it. In the first verse we can feel repetition of melody which trying to develop itself, then it fade to different tone, different color.
Second verse tells about that in life of love we often meet problem whether big or small, then we struggle as hard as we can to figure it out and solve it as soon as we can, and we feel relieved when we survived it.
But that's life, it always rolling like wheel, and we don't know what will going to happen next.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

About the Song : Gending Rame Ku Kendang

This song is a proof that a percussion instrument--in this case is the sundanese kendang and drums--in addition to just a beat keeper but may have a role to give color and rhythmic melodies can provide additional color to the music itself. Gending is the arrangement of percussion rhythmic patterns or patterns that in the chain into sentences, which are repeated. Definition of drumming is not limited to the gamelan instruments, but non-gamelan instruments was included in it, such as Kacapi (sundanese sitar), Calung , Angklung and others and did not rule out the possibility that modern music instrument also included. We can hear in this song that there is a merger of two different musical elements, namely, modern music is the music of western and traditional Sundanese music . To be able to hear modern music genre Jazz Rock are pretty thick were accommodated by the pattern of rhythmic melodies by Keyboard, Bass Guitar, and Drums. elaborated with Waditra Sundanese Kendang and other traditional instruments, so in this song generates a new color in this song using pattern pat Sundanese tradition.